Sunday, 13 January 2008

First week at school

During this first week at school I have not had any contact with ICT. The IWB has been awaiting repair and I have not observed nor taken part in lessons using ICT. However, the children in the class (year 1) have access to 3 computers which they can use once they have completed the 'must do' jobs that day. Many choose to use the same programme which offers a range of activites from drawing to practising maths. The children are eager to use the computers and often work in pairs so that most of the class can gain access.

During PPA time the LSAs take the children for half an hour to watch TV. I've not yet observed this part of the day but I hopefully will this week as I am eager to see exactly what they are watching as they all seem extremely excited to go.

I am hopeful that the IWB will be working this week so that I can incorporate it into my lessons.

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